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Ex win back - the most common mistakes

If a long-standing relationship ends, it first falls into a deep hole. You do not know how to go on without the partner. A relationship does not have to end you simply accept. If the feelings for the partner are so strong yet, you should try to regain the ex-partner.

But trying to win back his ex, is not always easy. There are many things that you can do it wrong. The consultant team informed about false strategies and gives tips on how a relationship can get a second chance.

Here are the five most common mistakes are to be called, many commit because they want to have their partner back by all means:

1. The Ex chase

If the partner separates from a distance and wishes, you should respect that in any case. The worst mistake here is chasing the ex and afflict him.

No phone calls, text messages or letters - a distance of at least seven weeks is appropriate. Very often this is Rarmachen is also an essential step on the road to success.

Because nothing is more interesting than what you can not have. Love and attraction is not caused by permanent presence and certainly not if you follow a human. Give your partner a chance to miss you!

2. blaming the Ex

It is important to avoid the partner any accusation and blame is. Nothing is more attractive than a man who constantly nags along the lines of "You're evil. I am the victim and need pity. "

We covet people who do not need us and can stand on their own. No one wants to live with a victim together.

Addendum end behavior, blame and discussing the same old problems are the opposite of love. The former should feel comfortable in the presence of the other partner. He can not if you bombarded him with reproaches.

3. "Let's be friends."

One should engage in a friendship with the ex-partner never. This is absolutely counterproductive. So we built up any passion and the ability to get back ex.

A friendship between ex-partners is of course not excluded. But it is only useful if both parties no longer cherish feelings to each other.

4. Find the Ex jealous

If you want to recapture his partner, it is a big mistake, or to make him jealous with other people. First, it hurt and secondly, it may give the impression that one feels no more feelings for the old partner.

Even if it should succeed one still recover his former in this way, he or she still a long accuse jealousy. Not a good start for the new relationship.

5. Play the doormat

Even if you feel so, you must show the ex-partner in any case that you want him back at any cost. Phrases like "I'll do anything you want" are absolutely taboo.

The ex-spouse may lose all respect so ago. And the more the waning respect, the lower the chances are to save the relationship. As a human doormat you will quickly lose respect for yourself.

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