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What love sayings like the ex-partner?

If you have decided to fight her ex-boyfriend, this is not always easy. However, we should not give up hope, because as already Bertolt Brecht said, "He who fights can lose. Who does not fight has already lost." To assist you in conquering the ex-partner, we have listed the 10 best love sayings. Especially in the first few days you feel alone and to go back on the whole relationship. If you would like to be back with her ex partner together, remember this is not this wonderful wisdom:

     To love is to stay with someone especially when it is difficult.
     More beautiful memories, the more difficult the separation.
     Understand what is important to you, then you will see how many things in life really have no meaning.
     "What do you love, let free. If it comes back, it is yours - forever "(Wisdom of Confucius).

A strategy on how to win back her ex partner is in our
"Ex-Back emergency assistance package" described in detail.

A great idea is to gather for his ex-girlfriend a selection of matching love poems to illustrate the extant love. Other special gift ideas for the ex-partner, you will find here.

Has it now with the "old" new love are finally folded back to romantic times. So let these wisdoms are not forgotten:

     Love means not to hold hands when everything is right, but do not let go even if there are misunderstandings.
     Love is like a full bath. Admitting is the most important. If you have it then you warm, you can bear it until you get wrinkled.
     Love does not have to be perfect. But genuine.
     When I'm older and someone asks who my true love, I will not dig into memories, but turn around and say, "Because you sit."

However, there are spells that can complicate the conquest of the ex-partner. The time of separation phase is often marked by heartache and sadness. At this stage it is important not to be alone with the grief and support from friends and family to get. However, it is of the dear friends also always well-intentioned spells that hurt a rather more. "Better an end with pain as pain without end!" Or "A new love is like a new life!" Are just a selection of spells you want to hear in any case after a separation.
5 spells that you do not want to hear after a breakup:

     You have not mated anyway.
     After a breakup not cry because it's over, but laugh because it was so beautiful!
     Love is blind.
     He is not worth it.

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