Get ready to get your ex back!

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Here are more tips to win your ex back

It is possible in most cases to get a second chance to win or ex back. At the same time it is very easy in such a delicate situation such as recovering the / ex to make big mistakes.

Each tip could therefore be crucial to win your item (s) ex back.

     the apology
     An apology can work wonders, or make things worse - and then if the apology is not serious, or at least comes across.

     To get your (s) ex back, it is essential for the excuse, which has led to the separation.

     The timing of the apology but almost as important as the excuse himself. Soon after the separation, it is likely that your (e) Ex need to step back and has not yet begun to miss you.

     If you have some time, and the anger of the / ex will subside and you will wait in most cases to contact you - if your (e) Ex you have not been contacted already own.

     Get emotions under control
     It has been scientifically established that a separation in the brain regions activated the same as physical pain.

     Separations, whether temporary or permanent, are among the most difficult emotional experiences and should be taken seriously as such.

     To get your (s) ex back, you should first process the unpleasant feelings sufficiently, which has produced the separation.

     Your chances to win the ex back or stand a better multiples, if you feel good and you feel reasonably comfortable.

     Tip: By far the fastest way we know to overcome heartbreak, see the troubleshooting guide on

     Benefits of contact ban
     The less you contact your (s) Ex after the separation, the faster the / ex will begin to miss you. As long as you contact your (s) Ex-employed, you are considered by him / her for granted. It helps, of course, this in no way to win your item (s) ex back.

     Also, it just seems desperate and unattractive to heap your item (s) ex with phone calls, messages or visits. At least in the beginning, is a broad ban on contact by far the best strategy.

     Disadvantages of a ban on contact
     At the same time, one should not lose sight of the risks of Kontaksperre. My (e) Ex might start to believe that you have finally lost interest in him or her and want no contact.

     This can be circumvented best by letting the / ex get a message that makes clear that you do not mind re-contact. The message should not be emotionally charged simply and more, without, however, seem cold.

     Example: Hello. Would be glad to hear from you, whether today or in a year. Wish you all the best.

     More tips
     Read more about common mistakes and the best strategies in our article Ex recovering.

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