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Quotes: heartbreak

The 10 Best Quotes: heartbreak

heartbreak is like a diamond: one should him with version tragen.Marcel Pagnol, French writer

The joys of love only last a moment, heartbreak all-Pierre Claris de Florian Leben.Jean, French poet

My black art that is my pain, My magic of a broken heart, And A white, warum.Ferdinande Maria Theresa Baroness von Brackel, German writer

Between persons who are resistant so near each other, hate and love to be getting bigger: All moments are found indeed reasons to love more or hassen.Honoré de Balzac

The grief that does not speak, gnaws at the heart until it bricht.William Shakespeare, poet

heartbreak is a stronger feeling than love selbst.Roger Willemsen

heartbreak is a nasty Krankheit.Tina Turner, singer

Liebesleid actually takes no eternity, it just takes forever lange.Martin Gerhard trip Mountain, qualified librarian

Hatred is not hatred, but by love besiegt.Buddha

On the way to true love we experience many "crushes" and believe they were already true love. The heartbreak of separation shows us that it was not. If you have just found your perfect partner, you will see that anything compared to him only playing war.Werner Brown

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»Overcome heartbreak: Top 3 Tips
Other selected heartbreak quotes

heartbreak is the most banal of the world. Unless the eigene.Erhard is Blanck

Better an end with horror than a horror without Ende.Unbekannt

Are equal in form and shape joy and suffering: The Rose - call her open heart, they call me broken Herz.Chawaja Dard, Indian poet

With the wings of time flying the sadness davon.Theodor Fontane, German poet

I can not live without you. I can not. Even the thought of it makes me um.Film "The Reader"

Consider once things from a different perspective than you have seen so far, because it means a new life beginnen.Marc Aurelius, Roman Emperor

heartbreak hurts - especially when the mind raubt.Klaus Education, German-Austrian author

Love casts out time and time distributes the Liebe.Sprichwort

The heart loves safety by almost any price and resists with all his might against separations, and if it takes place, then slowly, reluctantly and qualvoll.Anton Gill

On the big love big Leid.Sprichwort often follows

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