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How do I get the EX girlfriend / boyfriend back?

Although the situation may seem hopeless, there are "almost" always the chance to recapture your ex girlfriend / boyfriend. However, it may take some time and is only accessible with the right strategy.

You are just an involuntary single the last relationship you inserted into the bone and you do not want to miss the time with the ex-partner. So what to do? The following article is a bit longer. Please take the time to read it all. Only if you understand what went on in your partner or even going on, you can really assess whether there is a second chance.

Are there strategies that can potentially bring about a happy ending to your or your ex?

We all know that love can not be forced, but who tries nothing has been lost. There are ultimately only two possibilities. Either yes or no. And before one has no clear answer, nothing has been decided. In numerous conversations with friends, therapists and stakeholders we can give you some guidance on the hand (for free of course), which have been proven in practice.

Important to know: If one partner puts an end, this is, if not traded in affect, most meticulously planned. In a long relationship no one thinks the morning "I end the relationship," and in the evening he do then end. The Abkapselungsprozess is progressing slowly. If the uncertainty was but once contemplated about your feelings, it is often just a matter of time until then the relationship breaks up.

The imbalance before separation:

By being a part of the relationship of his feelings is uncertain, it arises in relation to an imbalance, which runs through all behaviors. The partner will no longer appear loving, thinking more about themselves and can not often really empathize with his counterpart.

On some days everything seems perfect and suddenly makes returning this dissatisfaction wide. Actually, we should now end the relationship but make very few people. They want to make a mistake and then you wait once off.

The opposite, in the case of "you", often noted for days or weeks before that something is wrong. It forms a fear of loss, which means that you cling or is seeking feedback from the partner.

But these do not come more often. As you show your feelings openly, is the opposite even more aware that he can not return the feelings and the upcoming separation approaches.

No more feelings

If you have heard the magic words "I do not love you anymore," then you should know quite clear at this point that it is difficult. Someone who does not love that does not suddenly love again just because you behave in one way or another. If you believe that your ex feelings are aroused, just because you work very hard, cool and aloof, then this shot is usually backfires. You would have ever won anything when you get your partner through power plays again. Such a relationship will not last long at the second attempt. As soon feels the relying party safe again, he will doubt his feelings again. For this reason, you should proceed with strategy. However, this also means that if you can overlook you position entirely, even a "giving up" must be considered. Yes, this is one of them. In order to be able to look at the situation, you need distance. Compare it. With a newspaper, which will keep you close in front of your eye You can not see anything! If you hold the newspaper but with a little distance in front of your eye, you see everything clearly. The sheet of paper is too far away, it's no longer interesting from your focus and for you. The aim is thus to obtain the necessary distance and the right distance to get an overview. Not rush anything, please!

The first time

In the first period after the separation sink into a deep black hole. You can not sleep, do not eat and somehow you also care about anything. You have forgotten how to laugh and are desperate, angry, disappointed and deeply hurt.

At this point, you first helps just knowing that this phase is normal and must be endured. The soul and the body must be solved by used to and familiar, adopt and that's not just figuratively speaking, hard to digest. Therefore, our first advice: Mourn! Let yourself and your body and mind time to process the incomprehensible. Looking at this stage conversation with friends or talk to other stakeholders, eg. Here in this forum heartache. Most people had already heartache in your life. When the first grief, however, is passed, then the body is it programmed to regenerate. Although you still remember how painful the first time was, but the deep sadness feeling is gone. Therefore, it is important that you contact people apart, which are either with you on the same level or stuck in the same phase separation or talk to someone who has, through a past separation lot of experience. Search for the contact!

Knowing you are not alone, you are already back a little energy and strength.

Depending on how long and hard the relationship was done and why the relationship has ended, the "blackest" phase is automatically gradually merge into the "gray phase". Gray means they are still suffering, but have now again clear moments and moments in which you will be able to look at the relationship of different pages. Was really all the gold that glittered?

No one is perfect and this is likely to be with your ex-partner so. So you are on the right track when you analyze the relationship from different perspectives.

Good to know: The longer your relationship lasted, the more time you have to save the relationship.

Is your relationship, however, only a few months old, you can not treat your ex several months out, because then it's usually too late.

At this point we get to the point.

So you realize you have made mistakes and partners as well.

How serious were these errors? Resulted in a unique cheating on Beziehungsaus? Perhaps a long-standing affair or a lover or a lover? Is the relationship of trust generally disturbed? Why do you have, for example, argued.?

Are there characteristics on the other, are unacceptable?

What ultimately led to the end of the partnership? Were you really happy and felt / feel you really love? Or you may have more fear of being alone? These questions are the core of all further proceedings. Be there brutally honest with yourself and listen very well to himself. Slide the idealized view one has in regard to the past like, to the side. Honesty with yourself is essential here!

Have now found that you actually want to fight for the partner, you have made the next important decision. But keep in mind, despite all the efforts from you, there is no guarantee of a happy ending. We now give some solutions to the hand that can help you recover or the ex.

Come first even regain his strength and will set you back to the person in which your ex-partner has fallen in love. He must have not fallen in love with a deeply unhappy and suffering person, but that is, in your laughter, your serenity, your humor, etc. Do they do everything to make this state. The time that you need it, and the contact barrier in this time to / for Ex way, is also important for them. Even the one who leaves must process the separation.

Company so things that I enjoy and that will bring you to other thoughts.

Go out into the fresh air, take a deep breath, read or hear relaxing music or you might even think about a therapy after. And even when you are sad sometimes, let the tears flow. Tears help to process the separation faster.

You will soon realize that it's doing you much good to get your mind and your strength and energy return. They see the world more clearly and you look at the relationship will change again. The error in the relationship, which were probably a reason for the breakup, you are always clear and you now know what mistakes you should not repeat. A very important lesson! If you're at the end of the "gray phase", there are various strategies to fight the relationship.

Because of your knowledge that you have about the former partner, you can create your own strategy (desires, preferences, perceptions of the ex-partner are well known), or rely on tried and tested strategies. Of course, any strategy must be individually because each person is unique. Read the following possible solutions from us.

Important to know: With this advice as well as books and e-books on the topic, however, should be very skeptical. Why do you learn in the next three issues.

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